By Brianna Bell
It’s hard to believe that we’re in 2020—a fresh new decade with its own unique fads and trends. The 2010s saw the wellness landscape shift and evolve in monumental ways, from embracing the body positive movement to the move to destigmatize depression and anxiety, and the mainstream adoption of yoga and meditation. Here are a few trends we expect to be popular in 2020 and beyond.
Digital detoxes and the “unplugged movement” is what people are turning to for a screen time cure. With many studies pointing to the dangers of excessive screen time for all ages, we predict that this trend will only amp up in popularity. Choosing to unplug for one day each week will become a popular trend, as will books and products aimed to guide consumers who want to get off their digital devices. The move to go screen-free will have a positive impact on the health and wellness of those who embrace it, including their shift from sendantry scrolling to added movement and increased face-to-face interaction.
There are always new fad diets on the rise, but the keto diet doesn’t seem to be losing any momentum. The ketogenic diet is a low-carb and high-fat diet, which aims to dramatically lower your carbohydrate intake to put yourself into a state of ketosis—a metabolic process that burns stored fat. It’s a fairly precise diet that requires careful calculations in order to reach ketosis. Part of its popularity has been research that has pointed to the health benefits of ketogenic diets. Still, the jury is out on whether the keto eating plan is the way to go, so talk to your doctor before dramatically changing your diet.
Over the past decade we’ve seen a move toward the destigmatization of mental health challenges—particularly depression and anxiety disorders. We’ve also seen an embracing of pharmaceuticals to treat mental illness and a reduced stigma for those who take medication for mood disorders, like depression. Celebrities have also opened up about their battles with mental illness, some even speaking openly about their use of antidepressants, including Jim Carrey, Kristen Bell, Jon Hamm, and Lady Gaga. We predict that the scope will widen, and 2020 will be the year where lesser talked about mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder, trauma-related disorders, and personality disorders, will become part of mainstream conversation as well.
In recent years telehealth, a health system that provides medical information and health service electronically, has been on the rise. We predict that the move toward telehealth will only increase in 2020, allowing for greater access to healthcare, support, and information. There are many different types of telehealth services, from video conferencing with healthcare providers, online medication and appointment reminders, and remote monitoring, which allows healthcare professionals to track their patient’s vital signs from a distance.
We all know that sleep is important, but with our fast-paced culture it’s hard to catch the correct number of zzz’s. With increased awareness surrounding the importance of sleep we expect that quality sleep will become a priority in 2020. The push to turn off digital devices and head to bed earlier will be a new trend, and a simple one to get on board with too!
Plant-based diets are on the rise, and 2020 will see an increase in people jumping on the gravy(less) train. The frenzy over Beyond Meat burgers has proven that consumers want more meat-free options. Because climate change is a major focus in the media and the world, many climate change activists have called on consumers to lower their meat consumption to reduce harm to the planet. Research also shows that a plant-based diet is better for the planet and for people, which is why we predict that consumers will be embracing plant-based diets and alternative proteins in 2020.
Our teeth have become a forgotten element to our health, but research is pointing to dental hygiene as a crucial step in taking care of our overall wellness. In 2010 the Surgeon General published a report on America’s Oral Health, and in 2020, a new report will be published—we predict this will put dental health back in the spotlight and increase awareness around the importance of daily maintaining oral health practices and regular dental cleaning and screening.
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