The discount information and content posted on this website is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time without notice. FamilyWize Community Service Partnership, Inc. (“FW”) uses its best effort to provide timely and accurate data, but FW cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information and recommends that any person accessing this website check with the manufacturer(s) or prescription assistance program(s) directly to confirm the discounts presented on this website before making any final purchasing decision. FW cannot guarantee that discounts on this website will be below a pharmacy’s usual and customary pricing for drugs. FW makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the use or the results of this portal in terms of its correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. The FW Prescription Savings Card and manufacturer coupons are not insurance and they are not intended as substitutes for insurance. FW Prescription Savings Card discounts are only available with a pharmacy that participates with FW. All logos and trademarks on this website are the exclusive property of their respective owners.