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3 Simple Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress NEXT ARTICLE 

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Holiday stress is real. Thirty-one percent of Americans describe the holiday season as “frantic.” In the same research , 49 percent of moms admit to working too hard to achieve the “perfect holiday.” Six in ten moms say they find it hard to slow down and enjoy the festive season.

The good news is that stress isn’t a mandated part of the holidays – you can still celebrate even if you are feeling calm and rested!

Here are three simple tips for reducing stress this holiday season:

  1. Continue your normal healthy habits

    If you are a person who has a routine of healthy eating, exercise, and/or mindfulness practices to support your mental health , then you know that the holidays can really throw you off schedule. This year, what if you prioritize your routine? It may mean less online shopping and more sleep, or fitting in a run before meeting the family for dinner, but the results will be a calmer, happier you at the end of December.
  3. Plan ahead of stressful situations

    The American Psychological Association has a helpful Holiday Stress Resource Center on its website. One common theme that runs through all of the resources? Think about what might be stressful now and plan healthy ways to manage it – whether that means planning for additional spending , having strategies for challenging family conversations , or managing expectations around the “perfect” holiday.
  5. Take time to play

    If you feel like the holidays double (or triple) your to-do list, then be extra sure to put some festive play time on your calendar. Play is not only a great way to celebrate the season, but science has shown us that playtime improves our body’s ability to bounce back from stress and helps to manage other health conditions.

Your mental and physical health matters. Start planning now so that you can fully enjoy the holidays this year.


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