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6 Ways to Stay Healthy in Cold Weather NEXT ARTICLE 

6 Ways to Stay Healthy in Cold Weather

For most of the country, winter temperatures are setting in. When the weather turns cold, your health can be negatively influenced, so it’s important to do everything you can to stay healthy despite the chill.

We’re sharing six precautionary steps you can take to avoid sickness or injury this winter. Data from the Naval Health Research Center showed a 45% decrease in respiratory illness simply by having recruits wash their hands five times a day. In addition to increased handwashing, you might want to consider keeping some hand sanitizer with you. Research from Boston’s Children's Hospital revealed that those who used hand sanitizer regularly saw a 59% reduction in stomach bugs compared to those who didn’t. Since cold and flu germs pass easily, winter is a good time to avoid touching communal objects when you can – or washing your hands immediately after contact.

Winter is often peak season for the flu. It’s not too late to get your flu shot, if you haven’t already. The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine for anyone six months of age or older. Not convinced? Read our five reasons to get a flu shot for more. If you feel the aches and fatigue of a flu creeping up on you, talk to your doctor about an antiviral medication, such as Relenza or Tamiflu, which can work against the flu if taken within 48 hours of exposure. Of course, don’t forget to save on your prescription by using the Free FamilyWize Prescription Savings Card, available here.

A study from The University of Chicago showed that participants who slept only four hours a night for one week dropped their bodies’ flu-fighting antibodies by 50% compared with those who slept more than seven hours. Try to aim for at least six hours of sleep a night – and more if you can. A rested body can more effectively fight off disease.

When the flu is rampant in your community, it’s best to avoid crowds, where handshakes and sneezes can easily affect you. You don’t need to stay home all winter, but be mindful of what is currently “going around” in your community and act accordingly. If you do go out, remember to wash your hands! Regular exercise equates to staying healthier. While your favorite warm weather activity may not be fun or safe in cold weather, you can still keep fit with cold weather sports, such as sledding or ice skating. Not fond of the cold? Join an indoor team sport or start a membership at the gym, where you can take advantage of their equipment and class offerings. Another option is to try a brisk walk around the mall. If frigid or inclement weather makes it hard to go anywhere, let your home be your gym. While you can buy more expensive equipment, you can also stick with the basics, like a jump rope or affordable dumbbells and a mat. Workout videos are also a great way to get your sweat on at home!

For many people, cold weather can feel like a burden, especially with the lack of sunlight. Do everything you can to stay healthy by eating right, exercising, getting plenty of sleep, washing your hands, and doing everything you can to avoid places where illness is spreading. In just a few months, the warmer weather will return!

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