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Walking is Free Easy and Effective

The more things change, the more things stay the same. Although you’re taking your medications daily (and using the best Rx discount card for additional savings), exercise is important, too. While there will always be a trendy new workout to try, good-old walking will always be a safe, effective standby exercise for virtually every body type in every stage of life.

Need to be reminded why walking is so great for you?
Here are seven benefits of walking for exercise:
1.     Walking can be a form of meditation – Studies have found that a 20-minute walk can calm your overactive brain and restore your attention.
2.     Walking can protect your memory – Researchers following up on 300 older adults after 13 years found that those who had walked six to nine miles a week lowered their risk of memory problems by 50 percent.
3.     Walking is also good for brain function in general – Researchers found that adults who walked for 40 minutes three times a week slowed age-related declines in brain function and improved their performance on cognitive tasks.
4.     Walking reduces your odds of developing chronic health conditions – Studies show that regular walks of approximately 30 minutes decrease your risk of developing osteoporosis, breast and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and more.
5.     Walking keeps your weight in check – Regular walks are a simple way to maintain a healthy weight and avoid the health risks associated with obesity.
6.     Walking keeps your doctor happy – Regular walking improves your most basic health statistics, including your blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipid profile.
7.     Walking is good for your blood sugar levels – The Whitaker Wellness Institute encourages its patients to take a 10-minute walk after meals to help clear glucose out of the bloodstream.
And best of all, walking is FREE! No gym memberships or fancy equipment required. Taking a short walk every day (provided your doctor hasn’t advised against it) is a great way to begin an exercise habit. Interested in giving it a try? Start here for some easy guidelines from the Mayo Clinic.
Have a great resource for fitness walking? Share it on our Facebook page! And for the best prescription savings card, turn to FamilyWize.

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